Welcome ro The Wits End pt. 2

Welcome to The Wits End. We are a small, family-owned business out of South Texas, in the United States (don't want to make assumptions about your knowledge of where Texas is).
I'm Terry, I'm pretty much responsible/to blame for all of the items that you'll see in the store.
I've always been a bit of a contrarian. Joining the US Coast Guard instead of the Army or Navy, Atari computers instead of Apple or 'PC'. Using Wirthian programming languages like Modula-2 and Oberon-2 instead of C and C++. CompuServe and GEnie instead of AOL. You get the general idea.
The reason that I bring that up is because it explains many of the choices I've made in regards to products. I'm looking to provide items for some relatively underserved segments of the public. Plus there are items related to my own personal leanings included too. I have a weird sense of humor, I'm a hard Atheist, and I'm very progressive politically.
The store is a work in progress, and items are being added on a daily basis. I'm mostly giving this one a go to test the integration with Shopify and Printful. Things should be pretty much handled much more quickly.
We do; however, still have our other store at https://witsendstore.com - it sells many of the same items (which I manually process) but also includes handmade items (polymer clay, epoxy resin, and other things) that aren't currently as easy to integrate into the automatic processing.
Anyway, welcome to the store. I hope you enjoy some of the products. Please feel free to leave any questions, comments or criticisms.
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